03-28-2006, 05:26 PM
Flygoddess: Are you greasing the WD to float in the film? Or is it sinking? Just curious how you fish a dropper. I'd imagine most fish took the WD. I used the dry/dropper this weekend on the lower quite a bit when the fish were fussy. My best combo was a 18 para BWO and a 20 black zebra. The zebra has a black bead head, so it would sink below the film and I would just watch for the parachute to dissapear. Hunt4BigBucks, this is my favorite method for streams like Diamond fork also. A visible dry with a smaller beadhead dropper. If they refuse the dry, chances are they will take the dropper. I seem to have less drift problems when I use a beadhead also because it breaks through the film and doesn't interfere with the drift of the dry as much.