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baitcaster reel question
In two weeks give me a call and I will take you out and give you an on the water lesson in using a bait caster. If you like.
I pm'ed you my number.

Dont bring any spinning rods though because I wont let you use it.
The biggest trick to learning to use a new style of reel is just to completley commit to doing it.

If all you have to fish with for the day is a casting reel, you wont get frustrated and put it down. You may get frustrtaed, but you wont be able to put it down and pick up a spinning rod cause you wont have one.
By the end of the day you wont be accurate, but you will be good enough to cast one without much backlash.

Messages In This Thread
baitcaster reel question - by trfishin - 03-28-2006, 06:55 PM
Re: [trfishin] baitcaster reel question - by PREDATOR - 03-29-2006, 12:09 AM

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