03-31-2006, 08:10 PM
I have figured out the boat portion of a 16 foot long trailer to handle my 14 foot alum. boat. I dont know how/where/what to use for an axle. Could I get a rear end off an old ford escort or something and use that? Or are there actual axles you can get for not too much moolah to mount the whole thing to? I would use leaf springs I think just for a little bounce protection, unless I had to add shocks to that then I may bag it and use the tires for absorbtion. any one ever actually "built" a trailer before? where is a good place for steel, supplies and such? I have seen the bow rests in/at cabelas and sports and all the accessories, I just cant afford or reason spending 500 or so on a trailer for a boat I paid 100 for. any help is gratefully accepted, and as always thanks in advance.