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Willard Report 4-7-06
I finally got the boat out today and hit Willard with my friend, Cooper. What a beautiful day for fishing with the sun warm and shining and no wind. Too bad the catching wasn't any good. We marked lots of fish in the dredged channel out of the north marina and so tried to catch them with no takers. Next we tried along the west dike. We found several spots with lots of fish and again couldn't get a taker. Before leaving we tried for the crappie in the north marina, again without even getting a hit. I didn't see or hear of anyone catching a fish while we were around. Lots of guys were fishing off the docks when we launched, but most were gone when we came back in. It sure makes you mad when you know they are there and still can't get one to hit anything. The temperature was about 48-49 degrees in the lake. Still too cold? Or not enough time after the storm front went through? It was an enjoyable day getting away from work if nothing else. I hope you all have better luck on Saturday. Acey

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Willard Report 4-7-06 - by acey - 04-08-2006, 04:58 AM

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