05-12-2006, 05:19 PM
Not TubeDude, but I'll give you my .02. I use 8 to 10 lb. line for catfish-- don't set your drag too tight, but don't let em run you all over either. I use size 1/0 hooks usually but it kind of depends what bait you are offering. Make sure your hooks are sharp and your knots are good. I fish on the bottom with a 1/2 oz sliding sinker on a barrel swivel (kinda like a carolina rig) and keep a taunt line to detect bites (a little bell on the rod tip is a good thing). Several guys on this site recommend pitching your bait out weightless with an open bail and letting the fish pick up the bait and run before setting the hook. I had a friend that I used to catfish with alot that was a big fan of berkley fireline (I think in 12lb.?). I tried it and it is great for detecting light bites but if you get fouled on anything it is a real b*&^% to break it off.
A mud cat or bullhead usually goes 10-12" and is green with a yellow belly. The tail on a mud cat is NOT forked. A channel cat has a forked tail and can reach large sizes (the state record went over 30lbs. out of Utah lake). Night crawlers catch mud cats great, but if you want the mudders to leave you alone while you fish for channels, put on a chunk of cutbait.
A mud cat or bullhead usually goes 10-12" and is green with a yellow belly. The tail on a mud cat is NOT forked. A channel cat has a forked tail and can reach large sizes (the state record went over 30lbs. out of Utah lake). Night crawlers catch mud cats great, but if you want the mudders to leave you alone while you fish for channels, put on a chunk of cutbait.