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Jordanelle 5/16
I got up early this morning and headed up to Jordanelle. I got there at about 6:15. I wanted to try out my new waders and fins in my old float tube. I got the float tube when I was 17, but I used to only use it in the summer when the water was warm because I didn't have anything else to go with it.

I haven't float tubed in the last few years due to school and the like, and it was a little cold because I just wore shorts and a long sleeve shirt in my waders. I started out working West from the launch ramp and casting towards shore with senkos and tube jigs. I had a few hits, and landed one small bass, around 11 inches. Then I worked myself back the other way towards the inlet. I caught another one casting in to the trees and stumps that are down on that end. That is all the fish I caught. I only had probably four or five bites. It just seemed slow. I don't know if there's a lot of food in the water right now, or if I am just not doing things right. I didn't see any other fish caught from anyone else, and the shore fisherman weren't doing well for slimers either.

I've read several of the reports on the site, and it seemed that things had started to pick up, but that wasn't the case for me. I saw several boats that came in and out of the wakeless area. They all seemed to be trolling. I wasn't close enough to any of them to ask how they did.

I generally have Mondays and Tuesdays off, so if anyone would like to go up and float tube or pontoon Jordanelle, send me a PM.

Messages In This Thread
Jordanelle 5/16 - by smallmouthchaser - 05-16-2006, 07:46 PM

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