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Willard Shad Question?
Ok, Ok, I dont think many people like to say "that blob on my screen is a _________." I personally have noticed that with the higher end finders you can get a feel for the different type of fish on your finder. For instance on willard, when I catch walleye I generally see marks very similar to a trout. But wipers send back a very different picture. I am not sure if thier air bladder is a different shape or size, I just know it looks different. What do shad look like? Well I cant remember one specific time when the shad have blacked out my screen, generally I can see through them. I have seen them come in quite solid bands before. I have been quite excited at times when my screen went black with what I hoped were fish, but it was air bubble release off the bottom or just a real strong signal return in shallow water with too much sensitivity. The very small shad that the wipers are feeding on, 0+ 1+ fish, are going to be quite small internally so the signal you recieve will be quite small comparitivley. Next summer, get a hold of me, we will have to go out fishing and I will show you what they look like on my finder. My scedule;s filling up though, we have to get kent out there and turn him into a pure bred wiper catching machine, and I have decided to take it upon myself to convert the IFG into a liquid ice man, and theres no better fish to do that with than a wiper.

Messages In This Thread
Willard Shad Question? - by FISHNFOOL102 - 01-30-2003, 07:04 PM
Re: [fishinfool] Willard Shad Question? - by PREDATOR - 02-04-2003, 04:21 AM

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