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Boat Inspections
I would like to offer something to all of you that go out on Willard Bay. Rangers do alot of these each year at the different parks but we can't get everyone. If you have never had a boat inspection done on your boat to make sure you have all the necessary equipment, I would be happy to inspect as many of your boats as you want. The inspection take about 5 - 10 minutes, depending on added stories, and then you could avoid any future citations that you may get. I will try and list everything you need but beware it varies on boat size.

1. Wearable lifejacket for each person on board. (Readily Accessible)
2. A Type IV PFD. (throw ring or seat cushion)
3. Fire Extinguisher ( if gas tank can not be removed, its built in)
4. Bailing Device (Bail bucket or Working Bilge)
5. Spare Paddle or oar. (Secondary motor doessuffice)

6. Working Navigation Lights (red,left; green,right; and white, rear light can be seen 360 degrees : these need to be be displayed between official sunset and sunrise. When moving all lights need to be on, at anchor just the white one.
7. Registration card needs to be onboard boat.
8. NEW LAW. Any boat with a 50hp or higher needs to have insurance. The insurance card needs to be on boat.
9. Bow Numbers need to be Block Style and contrasting with hull.
10. Boat needs a HIN #(Hull Identification Number) generally located on rear right side of boat.
11. Registration Sticker current and Displayed Properly. (You should have been given a number sticker , depicts month expires, and a year sticker. We have flyers to show how they should be displayed.
12. If Inboard engine a working blower.
13. Approved spark arrestor
14. Horn or Whistle
Now, remember that some of these depend on length of boat and type of engine (outboard or inboard) but if all of these are on the boat you should be in good shape. Another thing with Lifejackets if you have any tears, broken buckles, or the Coast Guard approval number on inside is not readable, then the lifejacket would be deemed no good. Like I said next time your at Willard Bay, I would be happy to go through the boat with you but at least you have a starting point to go by. Any questions please ask. I would much rather everyone be safe than spend the night looking for someone.


Messages In This Thread
Boat Inspections - by utahsteelheader - 06-13-2006, 03:05 PM
Re: [utahsteelheader] Boat Inspections - by Johnr - 06-13-2006, 03:40 PM
Re: [Johnr] Boat Inspections - by utahsteelheader - 06-13-2006, 04:41 PM
Re: [utahsteelheader] Boat Inspections - by Troll - 06-13-2006, 10:31 PM
Re: [Troll] Boat Inspections - by utahsteelheader - 06-14-2006, 12:27 AM
Re: [utahsteelheader] Boat Inspections - by Troll - 06-14-2006, 12:53 AM
Re: [Troll] Boat Inspections - by utahsteelheader - 06-14-2006, 01:00 AM
Re: [utahsteelheader] Boat Inspections - by Troll - 06-14-2006, 03:45 AM
Re: [Troll] Boat Inspections - by utahsteelheader - 06-14-2006, 04:20 PM
Re: [utahsteelheader] Boat Inspections - by Troll - 06-16-2006, 02:44 PM
Re: [Troll] Boat Inspections - by utahsteelheader - 06-16-2006, 04:25 PM

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