02-06-2003, 01:57 AM
It is the same high quality down on the Gulf with the satwater Reds this year. 2003 sure is looking to be a possable record year. I do have to agree we got to have the weather cooperate a little more.
I knew when I looked at your profile that you wher very familure to me but I could not put my finger in it!
Now that I have had a look at your site, it is a whole differant story!
Others might not agree but I do not care! I think you are one of the biggest and best known Angling celebrity's in the Great Lone Stare State. Your hosting of the cable show "Fishing Texas" Was a great show. I kinda miss it tho. I no longer have cable so I don't even know if the show is still on.
It is truly an honner to have you on our growing Texas forum.
I hope you get some free time in April (I know that is not likely) to come on down to Port Aransas for our first BFT Texas Get Together. The biggest day is on Saturday the 12th as it is the last day of the Get Together and also a Friendly Tournament of BFT members and friends.
Just having you there would be a great honner!
If you can make it remember to bring some gear and a cam. This is not going to be a work day but a day of fun and relaxation for all.
It is the same high quality down on the Gulf with the satwater Reds this year. 2003 sure is looking to be a possable record year. I do have to agree we got to have the weather cooperate a little more.
I knew when I looked at your profile that you wher very familure to me but I could not put my finger in it!
Now that I have had a look at your site, it is a whole differant story!
Others might not agree but I do not care! I think you are one of the biggest and best known Angling celebrity's in the Great Lone Stare State. Your hosting of the cable show "Fishing Texas" Was a great show. I kinda miss it tho. I no longer have cable so I don't even know if the show is still on.
It is truly an honner to have you on our growing Texas forum.
I hope you get some free time in April (I know that is not likely) to come on down to Port Aransas for our first BFT Texas Get Together. The biggest day is on Saturday the 12th as it is the last day of the Get Together and also a Friendly Tournament of BFT members and friends.
Just having you there would be a great honner!
If you can make it remember to bring some gear and a cam. This is not going to be a work day but a day of fun and relaxation for all.