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New Muskie Record 7/5/06 ? Plus report
I have been up at pineveiw 2 times this week. First day I spent trolling which is usually a good bet this time of year. With the lake being so full it is difficult to troll the shorelines. I did manage a couple in the 35" range on monday trolling. Nothing spectactulal. I went up yesterday again and began trolling once more. Caught a few Smallies in the first 3 hours, but no Tigers. While I had my boat stopped I picked up a rod and cast near a clump of brush near the shore. 2 quick jerks and and tiger came out and struck about 10 feet from my boat. He missed and I gave it 1 more jerk and he turned around and hit again. I got him that time! I spent the next 3 hours casting parellell along submerged brush and managed tp catch 4 more Tigers. All caught casting and they were all in the mid 30" range with the exception of a little 20". After awhile I decided to troll for a big one. As I was trolling up in the middle fork watched a Kid hook into a monster! I went over and watched them and talked with them. I had spoken with them as I launched earlier that day. They measured the fish a couple of times it was 49 1/2" or 50" and very fat. Probably the same size as the record that was caught a few weeks back. Watch for reports to see if it did weigh more! Anyhow I was pissed the fish I was after was caught right in front of me. LOL. I figure I will let the little guy have credit for now! Actually it was cool to see the little guy catch that Hog! I snapped a few pics, plus a few I caught the last couple days.

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New Muskie Record 7/5/06 ? Plus report - by ssabshif - 07-06-2006, 03:41 PM

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