07-24-2006, 03:53 AM
All good questions to ponder, Using the trolling motor was an experiement and I jury rigged it aas best as I could. Most people have the trolling motor in the back I mounted it up from between my legs. It was much easier to deal with but couldn't figure out the straight line thing. I did notice that the toon was heavy towards the back, but when I sat down it appeared to float level. I didn't have much time to work with it, so I thought I'd just give it a try. Most of the other stuff I tried worked out, the battery mount was great it centered the battery's weight fine, but mounting an ice chest behind the battery may have been too much. since the toon isn't registered yet for a trolling motor, I just had to try to see if this was something I could live with, but right about now I like the oars, at least I could make a straight line traveling across the water.