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Electric Lake Camping and Fishing July 21-22, 06
We didn't see the bear, which is a good thing I'm sure. If we had seen it, I doubt my youngest son would have gotten out of the cab of the truck for the whole trip.

I was going to mention something about the deer flies, but I thought my original post was long enough. Yep, they were horrible. I got bit several times on my legs and hands. The next day the bites itched a lot worse than mosquito bites do.

I guess you gotta take the bad with the good when you're up in a place as beautiful as Electric Lake, though.

Hey, Ron, next time I'm up there, what lake would you suggest I try for a little variety. Where is Cleveland and Huntington in relation to Electric? I've fished the little lakes/ponds just before E. Lake. Isn't Huntington the relatively larger body of water just past E. Lake? Is Cleveland the little body of water just before E. Lake?

I always appreciate your help.

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Re: [fuzzyfisher] Electric Lake Camping and Fishing July 21-22, 06 - by PrinceFisher - 07-24-2006, 09:32 PM

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