07-25-2006, 07:15 PM
I am not sure if the hockey team will be good or not this year. It seems like I have been out of highschool forever and don't pay attention to the sports anymore. (Though I graduated in 2001, seems like forever ago)
I do usually make the LOTW/URL lake trip about twice a winter and a couple of times a summer too.
I need to buy myself a muzzleloader, my dad has a 50 cal. I usually only rifle hunt for deer and the rest of hunting season is devoted to ducks and pheasant.
I am not sure if the hockey team will be good or not this year. It seems like I have been out of highschool forever and don't pay attention to the sports anymore. (Though I graduated in 2001, seems like forever ago)
I do usually make the LOTW/URL lake trip about twice a winter and a couple of times a summer too.
I need to buy myself a muzzleloader, my dad has a 50 cal. I usually only rifle hunt for deer and the rest of hunting season is devoted to ducks and pheasant.