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Silver Lake 7-29-06 PICS
Headed up to Sliver Lake in the American Fork Canyon on Friday evening for an over-nighter. First time up that way. It was really beautiful. The lake was amazing. Found a good campsite, pretty far from anyone, just when a scout troop of about 20 kids comes rambling through. Luckily they camped a ways from us. Did some fishing that night, and did pretty well. Caught all Brookies,, little guys, but they fought pretty hard. Nothing real big, bud good for a hight mountain lake. Caught the biggest one that night at about 14", but it was too dark, and my pics didn't turn out. Did manage one pic you'll see below of a smaller little guy. Most the fish were that size. Caught them all on spinners. Had my fly rod, but that gang-a-scouts was on the only spot that permitted a back cast.

I think this heat wave has sent the big guys deeper. The lake was not quite as cold as I would expect of a mountain lake that high. Real deep lake, so I figured all the big guys had headed down deep for the cooler water. There has got to be some big guys in there, for there was a TON of food for them. All sort of bugs, and the little fingerlings were bubbling all day long across the entire lake. All in all, it was a good trip. Did run into a nice big bull moose across the lake. Didn't seem to scared of me at all. We were about 150 feet from him, and he didn't mind. He sat there in the water for 3 solid hours, without takin' a step, then went up into the bushes and just layed down to rest. Pretty cool to see them so close, in such a beautiful habitat. Hope to haul up somethin' inflatable next time, to get out into the deeper water.

Beatiful country, wished I could have stayed longer. Nothing like catchin' wild trout that were born and raised right there, rather than in some concrete pond.

Anyone fished here before? It was my first time up that canyon. How did you do? Land any big guys?

On the way down on Saturday, ran into a heard of people,, wouldn't recommend this lake at all on a weekend. Weekdays would be best in order to avoid the crowds and rowdy scout troops.

The Canadian

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Silver Lake 7-29-06 PICS - by TheCanadian - 07-30-2006, 04:27 AM

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