08-07-2006, 06:13 PM
On one occasion when I was fishing the lunker-filled clearwater bass pond I used to have access to I hooked a very large bass on a #12 McGinty(old bumble bee pattern) which I was tossing for the big pumpkinseeds. I was pretty much making a last cast as I approached the inflow and weedmat close to where I had launched my tube. A friend of mine arrived and was getting ready to come out in the rowboat. All of a sudden he yells, "Geesh, Don set the hook!" I had felt nothing but I humoured him and a 6 or 7 pound bass erupted from the water. Unfortunately the bass tossed the hook on his next headshaking leap. Even though it was only on briefly, the memory of that experience with that fish is indelibly etched in my mind. I still can't believe he could toss such a small hook. (Maybe because I fish barbless!)