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How did the flyrod get start?
This come out of the old west. (short version)

one day while out cattle rustlin, Colammity Jane was trying to make a haisty retrete wile driving freshly russled long horned moo's over a mountain river pass.

Cracking her wip just inches over top the waters her cracks ecoed like thunder when all of a sudden a 10 pound golden trout leaped three feet out of the water to latch on to the fregh at the end of her whip, not having time to deal with the trout she placed the handle of her whip in to the rifle sling with her winchester. drawing her pistol to continue the drive of her punches.

Mean while that trout was not about to let go of the cow bloodied treated tussle on the end of her whip and when she came out of the river on the other side Calammity Jane noticed the golden trout was still latched on. she drew up the trout and whipped out her Bowie knife gutted him on the spot and headed for the hole in the wall...

the other rustlers there saw the fine fish she was about to throw on the camp fire and asked her where she came up with the vittle, and she said theirs gold fish in thim thar hills,

Well the next thing ya know the mad gold rush of 49 was started, for some cow poke who must have been standing to close to the cannons at the alimo and didnt quite hear all that had she said stated and slipped loose the wrong story.

So it was from there what begun a slow start that fly fishing got its begginings... and wouldnt ya know it she also started the method of trolling for fish at the same time...[angelic]

Messages In This Thread
How did the flyrod get start? - by Bluegillman - 08-21-2006, 04:00 AM
Re: [Bluegillman] How did the flyrod get start? - by davetclown - 08-21-2006, 02:04 PM

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