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A Soft Pillow with a copper john dropper has always been one of my top producing setups. Once on the Gunnison had a swallow grab my sofa Pillow off the water and fly off with it. When it felt the resistance of the fly rod it let it go. When the fly hit the water it drifted about three feet and a nice 15 inch rainbow ate it. The guide said it looked like that was the fly of the day. Later on when we changed flys I noticed the guide took the fly and put it on his fly patch and never gave it back. Something he had never done before. Since on other trips he always gave my flys back and had me use his flys a lot I took it as a compliment that he though it was a good fly that I had tied.

This year I tied Charlie Craven's version, Charlies Fly box , of the stimulator in size 10 and size 14. (bright orange thread butt, pumpkin colored abdomen with peacock herl thorax) and Both sizes have been working well on High Mountain streams, 10,000+ ft. Greenback cutthroats like it better than royal humpies, trudes and elk hair caddis size 14 or 16.

The beetles I have tried have been very hard to see on the water due to the low sitting profile. I need to tie some with a bright colored post.

I keep forgetting about the ants I have tied up. Maybe Friday when I go fishing again.

Messages In This Thread
Terrestrials - by flygoddess - 08-21-2006, 07:18 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Terrestrials - by Scruffy_Fly - 08-23-2006, 11:03 PM
Re: [Scruffy_Fly] Terrestrials - by Dryrod - 08-24-2006, 01:32 AM
Re: [Dryrod] Terrestrials - by Scruffy_Fly - 08-24-2006, 06:20 PM

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