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Boat trailer guide suggestions
I have an old cajun fish and ski. 18.5 feet and the original Trail Boss trailer. Had the same problem with it in wind, and also my daughter and her husband and others loading the boat. Here is what I did.

1/2 inch metal pipe, 4 pieces. White PVC pipe large enough to slip over the metal pipe, 4 pieces. Water pipe insulation, 4 pieces. And duct tape. ( ok go ahead with the redneck jokes on the duct tape, I am from Alabama, so I deserve it).

I took my arc welder and welded two on each side, one at the back of the side guides, one at the front. I cut the pipe off just above the top of the boat. Placed the pvc on the pipe, then taped the insulation around that. This makes it soft, the pipe spins when hit. Then I went and got 1/2 pvc caps with no threads and put them on the top of the metal poles to stop the pvc from floating off, and to make them safe and not sharp edged. Works quite well, and helps like mad teaching people how to trailer the boat.

If you want I can take some pics of my contraption. email me at and i can send you pics.


Messages In This Thread
Boat trailer guide suggestions - by fsh4fun05 - 04-08-2006, 02:59 AM
Re: [fsh4fun05] Boat trailer guide suggestions - by Sollly - 04-10-2006, 02:23 PM
Re: [fsh4fun05] Boat trailer guide suggestions - by bmac2 - 08-26-2006, 07:30 AM

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