02-14-2003, 02:01 PM
hey there ssor!! how ya doin? what been goin on with ya? terrible cold up here!30 below this time! wow cool in here. i was searchin on the web last nite and foud a whole page of antigun contrl emails. i asked dave if it was anythin we want. i think i know how to send it to em if ihe wants em. didya have a good christmas? new years? hope so. twin went and sent me a good site on tent blinds. its cool has everythin in it. you ought to look at it too. well tkade care write me if ya git a chance ok? mare. we don,t keep in touch enough. haha mare lou i guess we will have to look into it. that is so numb just vcause someone likes huntin and fishin! it won,t even look at the puppies anymore.it shuts me down everytime i try to. later