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releasing a gut hooked fish
Ya, this string is getting a little off the topic of the original post, but I can't help myself. haha. I have seen and dun a lot of the things already mentioned here. I have also caught many fish with hooks and lines hanging out of their mouths before. I one caught a 5lb channel catfish with powerbait on 6lb test, that had a big 3/8oz bass jig hanging out of his mouth with a bunch of line wrapped around it. The jig had obviously been there for a long time because it was pretty rusted and was totally covered in algea. I also once had a big trout break my line when I was younger and was just fishing with nightcrawlers once. Then 10 minutes later I hooked another big trout...8lber..., and pulled it in to find my bright golden shiny hook with still the nightcrawler hanging off to the side. Also, once last summer I was fishing out here in the Delta for bass throwing buzzbaits. My partner was working his buzzbait through a tree laying in the water and a good 4lb bass blew up on it in the middle of the tree. He didn't pull it out of the tree quick enough, and it broke his line. About 30 seconds later the fish jumped and threw his buzzbait right up onto the shore. Now for my weirdest story...once again, bass fishing in the Delta...we were doing some heavy duty flipping deep into some tules, when I stuck a good 3lb fish. When I landed it, it looked like there was about a 2ft long piece of tule hanging from him...I went to just brush the tule off of him and discovered that it was actually growing right out of his back!!! I pulled the reed out of him and it left a hole in his back about the size of a penny...

Sturgeon Kid---------<* ((( ><

Messages In This Thread
releasing a gut hooked fish - by southernman - 02-14-2003, 02:18 AM
Re: [Bushwack] releasing a gut hooked fish - by SturgeonKid - 02-14-2003, 10:37 PM

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