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dogs helpin wounded deer,
Mare my dear,
You don't think we stay in tuch but you can rest asured that not nerry a post of yours gets past me. I might not always reply to your posts but I do read them and enjoy every one as they are always full of some of the best home town info around.

I was more replying that your contact that has blocked you might be Peta for sure. As I was checking out the site and reading some of the news reports I did find some thing that did actualy refer to a Peta member. When I read the artical I ended up on the floor rolling with laughter. I posted it up on the conservations board if you have not had an ocasion to look at it yet.

Since before Xmass I have been working hard on the First BFT Texas GetTogether set for early April of this year. Would love to have you attend. Due to the distance I do not expect it. All the details are posted on the Texas board and also on the Events board. If you get a chance check it out. It is going to be a great time for all that can attend.

Messages In This Thread
dogs helpin wounded deer, - by lou - 02-13-2003, 04:17 PM
Re: [lou] dogs helpin wounded deer, - by lou - 02-13-2003, 04:49 PM
Re: [lou] dogs helpin wounded deer, - by ssor - 02-14-2003, 07:34 AM
Re: [ssor] dogs helpin wounded deer, - by lou - 02-14-2003, 02:01 PM
Re: [lou] dogs helpin wounded deer, - by lou - 02-14-2003, 03:14 PM
Re: [lou] dogs helpin wounded deer, - by ssor - 02-14-2003, 11:43 PM
Re: [ssor] dogs helpin wounded deer, - by lou - 02-15-2003, 03:32 AM

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