09-28-2006, 12:08 AM
I wasn't getting on anyone in particular. No offense was intended. What I was responding to is the attitude I saw developing in the thread that the waters users are in the wrong because they don't cater to fisherman.
A couple of years ago the discussion was about Mona reservoir and how the %^$%#$! farmers keep draining it dry and don't allow fish populations to carry over. The blame was put on the shoulders of the 'selfish' people in Mona. I believe it came out that the water was actually owned by people in Goshen anyway. That detail doesn't matter. I argued for the concept of 'who are we to DEMAND of them, whoever they are, that they let thier crops die so that we can have some new place to fish?' And especially since Mona Reservoir isn't the only water hole in the state. It would be nice for sure, but we have no right to it. Therefore, any criticism of how the water is managed is unjustified. The point to remember is that the dams like Mona were built to store water for use, not for fishing. Because we use them now does not give us a claim to them. As I said, the world does revolve around my fishing pleasure and those people gotta eat. Others couldn't see it then. I just couldn't hold my
this time either.
As a decent fellow human being I need to let others manage their affairs for their benefit, as long as it doesn't step on my rights. In this matter, as a fisherman, I don't have any rights. I am being afforded a privilege and opportunity, however temporary it may be. Do I really have a right to cry foul when that privilege goes in a direction I don't like? No. In these cases it is fine to express disappointment, but not get mad and starting demanding.
The DWR has chosen to manage Piute in a way that at times produces great opportunity but all the while knowing that each fish plant is a gamble. This year Piute was great. Let's be grateful. Now let's pray for snow and hope for the same next year. I call this looking at the big picture. This fish kill was just a snapshot, not the whole movie.
If we really want these things to be better we ought to being willing to pay the price for it. So far it hasn't happened. But it's not the water user's fault. Look in the mirror.
BTW, I am not a farmer or rancher. Never have been. And I'm not related to any either. I'm just a city slicker that knows where my food comes from
Sorry for the novel. Good fishin all!
A couple of years ago the discussion was about Mona reservoir and how the %^$%#$! farmers keep draining it dry and don't allow fish populations to carry over. The blame was put on the shoulders of the 'selfish' people in Mona. I believe it came out that the water was actually owned by people in Goshen anyway. That detail doesn't matter. I argued for the concept of 'who are we to DEMAND of them, whoever they are, that they let thier crops die so that we can have some new place to fish?' And especially since Mona Reservoir isn't the only water hole in the state. It would be nice for sure, but we have no right to it. Therefore, any criticism of how the water is managed is unjustified. The point to remember is that the dams like Mona were built to store water for use, not for fishing. Because we use them now does not give us a claim to them. As I said, the world does revolve around my fishing pleasure and those people gotta eat. Others couldn't see it then. I just couldn't hold my

As a decent fellow human being I need to let others manage their affairs for their benefit, as long as it doesn't step on my rights. In this matter, as a fisherman, I don't have any rights. I am being afforded a privilege and opportunity, however temporary it may be. Do I really have a right to cry foul when that privilege goes in a direction I don't like? No. In these cases it is fine to express disappointment, but not get mad and starting demanding.
The DWR has chosen to manage Piute in a way that at times produces great opportunity but all the while knowing that each fish plant is a gamble. This year Piute was great. Let's be grateful. Now let's pray for snow and hope for the same next year. I call this looking at the big picture. This fish kill was just a snapshot, not the whole movie.
If we really want these things to be better we ought to being willing to pay the price for it. So far it hasn't happened. But it's not the water user's fault. Look in the mirror.
BTW, I am not a farmer or rancher. Never have been. And I'm not related to any either. I'm just a city slicker that knows where my food comes from
Sorry for the novel. Good fishin all!