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Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed
sorry I took so long, it needed some thought. there is just so much you can throw at them. but the most important one is, why is the bill there in the first place when we have more pressing issues.

the things I have mentioned in earlier post and the following you can add.

ask why grandholm has not re-enstated the athority of the DNR and putting back the elected official position that was stripped with out michigans voters having a say in the matter?

what is this prok belly issue doing on the dockets to begin with? If the DNR had the athority like it once had before it was stripped of its power by our last governer with out my vote on the subject mind you, we wouldnt be discussing this issue at all, the state would have already targeted the gulls in the dump sites around the entire great lakes area, including spraying or dusting of freighter bound trash that is going to be capped over in dumps. the birds eat it there and die there. more gulls will come in because of no gulls fighting for feeding grounds when they are dropping there. We have two weekends, memorial day and labor day weekends where the dumps are closed.

I do understand that gulls transport ecoli along with other deseases associated with dumps sites. but feeding or not feeding them will have no barring on the gulls being in the park to begin with to be fed.

You could ask them that if the gull problem is so prevailent, why have they not targeted them in the dumps around the entire great lakes regeon not just in michigan.

there are two weekends of which the dumps are closed that local planes can do a fly over and kill countless numbers of gulls, that fly hundreds of miles in a days time.

ask why thier nest are not raded the same time goose and swan nests are in the spring. they already have some one out in the feild that can pick up a rock or two and put it in place of a few eggs.

You could ask why this issue has even found time on the floor when there are by far more pressing issues, like our market beeing flooded with product not manufactured in michigan. ask why the state hasnt reinitiated the MCC again to put some of our youths to work cleaning these parks and get them out of our streets robbing, killing, doing drugs/raping women and children! we are facing social problems/failures in our societies due to the fact these people have no other resorce to turn to other than commit a hanus crime so they can bump some one else out of jail early so they can have a bed and food.

Michigan Concervation Core deisgned to take unemployed people off the streets by putting them to work with no more benifit than minimum wage untill which time economic conditions turn around and these people can be re-educated to qualify for the jobs of the future.

You can ask why our schools do not run another two more years to further prepare these young people in spicific traids that are coming in. you can ask why we dont have free education for any one of any age who wants to return to the labor force and has no money to compete for classes.

You can tell them that maybe they dont understand what is wrong with this bill. in that any minute spent away from the issue mentioned above is nothing short of Us the voters have failed to put the right people in office, and we do know how to color in a circle or thow a switch of a ballot come next ellection.

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Re: [lonehunter] Seagull feeding ban in state parks proposed - by davetclown - 09-28-2006, 10:44 PM

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