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Strawberry=sore fingers & tired shoulders
I hit Strawberry solo today from my pontoon. It started out somewhat slow with only 4 fish on flies. I switched to tube jigs on a spinning outfit later and found the hot spot. The day ended up being PHENOMENAL!! I didn't really keep count of numbers caught but suffice it to say, it was a bunch. Most fish took it in the drop in the bottom 10 feet of the water column. I caught fish in 20' to 50' deep water. Mostly slot cutts with five or six 2lb rainbows mixed in. Big fish of the day measured 24". I would estimate him at close to five pounds. All fish released to be caught again (by me through the ice!!)


Oh yeah, I almost forgot...

I had to laugh at these two fellows that came trolling by me. They commented that [#bf0000]"this @#$% lake had gone to the dogs. We used to catch buckets of rainbows up here, and now all we can get are these @#$% cutthroats that we can't even take home"[/#bf0000]

I geuss it all in your perspective. For me, I say hats off to Roger Wilson and the hard working biologist's that trumped "popular opinion" and put some effective regs in place up there. Kudo's guys!

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Strawberry=sore fingers & tired shoulders - by d-mack - 10-01-2006, 02:54 AM

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