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Trolling motor up front
Very nice job! Curious though, why you don't like the motor on the back. You do have to turn the head of the motor to the same direction as the propeller (easily done with loosening the head screw and turn the whole housing)
But, then the next question is, Do you wear flippers?
I prefer all three forms of propulsion (fins, oars and motor).
Personally, I only fly fish, and I prefer the motor behind me when it comes to that $60. and up fly line.
That bracket however would be real nice on the back when coming into shore.
I took the whole head off of my Minn Kota so I just have a small shaft with the propeller and a wire loom coming out of the top to a small box that I keep by my side. Tilting the prop up to beach is pretty easy.
Very Nice Job however! Love to see it up close and personal!

Messages In This Thread
Trolling motor up front - by Muleskinner222 - 10-05-2006, 01:59 AM
Re: [Muleskinner222] Trolling motor up front - by flygoddess - 10-05-2006, 01:15 PM

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