10-06-2006, 03:14 PM
Wow T.D., I almost feel bad that you took all that time to explain dropshotting, but thanks a ton for the information. I have tried dropshotting but honestly didn't do much of it right other than getting a weight on the bottom of my rig! One more question regarding the hook placement. Lets say I use a blood knot dropper. Do you keep the hook really close to the main line or does it come off the main line a ways? The way I rigged them was with a palomar knot right on the hook and then I would attach the weight to the long tag end of the palomar knot. This, however, puts the hook right on the line and I can't really see how this allows the fish to take the bait or the hook into its mouth. Does this make sense? I guess I am just asking if the hook should be right on the main line or led off it a ways?