10-07-2006, 06:26 PM
i agree with most of you on this issue. yes it is poaching to keep slot cutts. i think dwr might be better off placing a species wide slot on fish. most of the rainbosws i catch out of the berry are over the slot anyways. i dont know that that would happen or if it even is a good idea, but i think it is worth some looking into. as far as law obiders like most of us on this board(and we all know there are people lurking the board that read this very post that have kept slots) seeing people taking or even more, smashing the heads of slot cutts, we are to blame as well. if i see a person taking a illegal fish im not going to demand them to put it back, but simply let them know of the local laws and why they are in effect. if everyone realized that the slot will make a better big fish fishery they might change there tactics. as for powerbiat anglers, i have started a fight that cannot be won. the marina itself encourages fishing power bait on treble hooks, but not just powerbiat but worms too. the guy that ran the shop sold 4 people trebble versus single hooks before i said something about mortality rates being high because of that. the only way to remove powerbait and deep hookin would be to make it a artificial fly and lure only lake. and to put it simply, i dont think that will happen, ever.