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strike king comes to reelfoot
that my friend is why I said you need a vidio camera, has to be un edited, has to film them backing the boat in the water and reaching in the live well and pulling the bass out.

now if the bass were dead, no law was broken, they can go from lake to lake all day long and take pictures. the law states no transporting of live game fish over ground. they can not be transfered from public to public, public to privet, or privet to public, or privet to privet.

the only exception is when you have a permit from the TWA to transport fish bought from a licensed fish farm to be planted in public or privet waters.

all you succeeded in doing is making them watch thier back a little closer, next time they will pull out on the lake a little further where on lookers wont be able to see them.

in the future if you think some one has broken the law you should contact Tennessee Wildlife Athority and let them know about it. dont bother contacting whom ever you think is backing an event, you are just tipping them off when their lackies are slacking off and giving them all the chance to get their stories streight.

Messages In This Thread
strike king comes to reelfoot - by daymere - 10-18-2006, 07:11 PM
Re: [daymere] strike king comes to reelfoot - by davetclown - 10-24-2006, 06:41 AM

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