11-03-2006, 08:16 PM
Two weeks ago I fished the Weber on the State land at Hennefer. It's the first exit above Croyden. I caught all my fish that day on size 10 or 12 beadhead prince nymphs. Many different nymph pattern produce on the Weber. It isn't the Green or Provo so remember you seldom need to resort to using the small nymphs. Yesterday was my third outing in a row where I caught a 20 inch brown. This was again down on a Spanish Fork tributary. I also was surprised to catch a brillant silver iridescent 12 inch rainbow. I have never before caught a rainbow in any of the 4 tributaries to Spanish Fork that I fish. About 5-10 % of the fish I catch in all 4 are cutthroats and the rest browns. When I got home after fishing I read the article in the Tribune about re-establishing Bonneville cutts above 3 Forks on Diamond Fork. It mentioned below that would remain a brown and rainbow fishery. I'm just curious how often do other people catch rainbows in Diamond Fork or any of the other tributaries to Spanish Fork?