11-05-2006, 03:32 AM
Today I rousted my three oldest (ages 10, 7 and 5) at 5:30 and headed to the Berry, since I couldn't make it happen on Friday. We got there around 6:45 and were the 3rd truck in the lot. I figured there'd be more people today but I guess not. Anyway, we headed south to my normal catching grounds and sore lipped 45-50 fish (my daughter claims more, but my count made it about 47) before noon when we headed home. My five year old daughter got five by herself which was fun to watch. I have noticed the last week or so more big fish are showing up, as we caught six over the slot today, including two 24"+ as pictured. Weather was great, a little cool wind out of the southwest which drifted the boat just right for jigging, though we caught the biggest two fish early on pointers in about 8 feet of water. Jigging wasn't terribly fast, but was steady most of the day. Water temp is at 43.2 according to my friend Lowrance.