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what are the best flies for using with spinning bubble for trout
You can use just about any fly from any collection with a bubble. Dry flies (without the sinker) when the fish are rising and and wet fly (with the sinker) when they are not. One of the best flies I have found to use is a double renegade. It can be used either as a wet or dry fly.

I ususally slide on the bubble then tie on a swivel. I then will put a very small split shot on the knot to the swivel to keep the bubble from sliding over the swivel (is that how you spell swivel?). Then I will tie on some leader approxamatley the length of my rod, then the fly. That way when I am not using my rod I can hook the fly into the handle of my rod and carry it without the line getting all wound up and tangled.

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Re: [WalleyePaul] what are the best flies for using with spinning bubble for trout - by BryanE - 02-19-2003, 04:19 AM

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