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Strawberry tragedy--and LIFE JACKETS
Thank's to all of you for the comment's made...Steve Roundy was a friend of mine and it is a very Sad thing to lose he and his wife( I did not know her) but you are all correct in saying the right place for the PFD'S would have been securly fastened on the occupant's...hind sight is alway's 20/20 and how many of us who spend countless hour's on the lake never even have our Jacket's within grabbing distance let alone on our bodies where they belong. I like Chris Starkey will be wearing mine from here on out whenever my boat is under just never know.
keep yourselves and your families safe you could lose them at any time
Jared Johnson/SockeyeSlayer

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Re: [kokeking] Strawberry tragedy--and LIFE JACKETS - by sockeyeslayer - 11-11-2006, 05:01 AM

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