11-13-2006, 03:57 PM
[#505000]I can't speak for your patience level, but I got really tired of breaking down my toon after each trip and assembling it before each trip. I also don't have a truck or trailer so I transported it in the trunk of my car. After the assemble, unassemble bull plop I dealt with the first year, I shelled out a couple of hundred dollars and installed a Thule rack on top of my car (just the two parallel bars nothing fancy, just enough to keep it off the paint and give me tie down points.). With a couple of tie downs on the front of the toon, and a couple more to secure it to the rack I just leave it inflated and in one piece to transport it around anymore. Saves me a lot of time, gets me in the water faster, off the water quicker, and has allowed me to make some "permanent" modifications to my toon I couldn't do as easily with the break down method.[/#505000]
[#505000]Somewhere on Tubedude's enomous hard drive (160gigs of shameless fish porn I dare say!!) is a picture of my set up. [cool] If I had a clue where to find the original post I would link it![/#505000]
[#505000]Somewhere on Tubedude's enomous hard drive (160gigs of shameless fish porn I dare say!!) is a picture of my set up. [cool] If I had a clue where to find the original post I would link it![/#505000]