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Two crazy guys in the rain...or, "Where's your rainsuits, are you nuts??!!"
Me and my fishing partner, crappiehunter went out today and fished in the pouring rain and biting wind...the Kankakee backwater areas are heating up!

I was using a marabou jig n minnow combination under a float and crappiehunter was using an aberdeen hook under a float with a minnow. We had the most success fishing the isolated tips of laydowns (probably because the ends lay in the deeper sections of the bayou; while a few fish came drifting our presentation along the shoreline away from cover.

Katie and I seranaded Mike until it drove him crazy, then we got down to business...

[Image: NOVcrappie.jpg]
ABOVE: a few of the 28+ crappies we ended up with before the rain and wind got worse than it already was.

Nature Notes: The juncos have arrived! We also saw several nuthatches and the ever present belted kingfisher.

...all in all, it was another nice day down by the Kankakee!


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Two crazy guys in the rain...or, "Where's your rainsuits, are you nuts??!!" - by fish_a_holic - 11-16-2006, 10:31 PM

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