11-17-2006, 05:21 AM
Just for the sake of discussion here are a few of my unanswered questions....
[size 1]1. Why did the boat sink?? I thought those should float even totally full of water?
2. Why haven't they found the boat? That thing should show up on their sonar like a battleship!
3. Why did the gas can float up. It should have been attached to the outboard motor by the gas line and I it is pretty hard to get one of those to just disconnect itself.
4. Why did the 4 in the water split up and go different directions. And why would the two that drowned swim into the wind? Why couldn't they somehow attach the lifejackets to themselves even if they couldn't put them on. When they were all in the water the one man who drowned had kept his head enough initially to be able to help one of the survivors get his boots off. I would think they would have discussed some sort of plan of survival.
5. How did the two that survived swim for two plus hours in 42 degree water when supposedly your muscles become completely useless after about 30-45 minutes at this temperature. Best case hopefully your arms get so stiff around the lifejacket you are holding onto that you are unable to let go. After being in the water for over two hours they laid on the shore for 15 minutes from exhaustion and they said they walked for over 2 hours to find help. The paper said they reached shore somewhere over by the ladders. The road is only 5-20 minutes walk at most from anywhere over near the ladders. Highway 40 is well traveled all day long so it would not have been hard to find a car driving by to flag down. [/size]
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[size 1]5. The two survivors should have a fairly good idea where that boat went down. Is there that much current on the bottom of the reservoir to move a boat?
6. The two floating lifejackets they found were near the shore line directly east of the marina near the north shortcut into the narrows. How did they end up there????? The wind was blowing from south to north as it often times does. If the two that are missing let go of the lifejackets they would blow in the direction of the wind which is the direction the two survivors swam. If the wind was strong enough to cause 3 foot waves as reported it would scoot those jackets across that lake in a hurry. Probably reaching shore near the shore...before the two survivors even were able to swim there.
So as you can see, I have many questions. I am not doing this to stir the pot. Just wondering what others think. In my mind there are a lot of questions. I hope nothing "fishy" is going on. Hopefully tomorrow they will find the Roundys and I will quit my CSI investigation. [/size]
[size 1]1. Why did the boat sink?? I thought those should float even totally full of water?
2. Why haven't they found the boat? That thing should show up on their sonar like a battleship!
3. Why did the gas can float up. It should have been attached to the outboard motor by the gas line and I it is pretty hard to get one of those to just disconnect itself.
4. Why did the 4 in the water split up and go different directions. And why would the two that drowned swim into the wind? Why couldn't they somehow attach the lifejackets to themselves even if they couldn't put them on. When they were all in the water the one man who drowned had kept his head enough initially to be able to help one of the survivors get his boots off. I would think they would have discussed some sort of plan of survival.
5. How did the two that survived swim for two plus hours in 42 degree water when supposedly your muscles become completely useless after about 30-45 minutes at this temperature. Best case hopefully your arms get so stiff around the lifejacket you are holding onto that you are unable to let go. After being in the water for over two hours they laid on the shore for 15 minutes from exhaustion and they said they walked for over 2 hours to find help. The paper said they reached shore somewhere over by the ladders. The road is only 5-20 minutes walk at most from anywhere over near the ladders. Highway 40 is well traveled all day long so it would not have been hard to find a car driving by to flag down. [/size]
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[size 1]5. The two survivors should have a fairly good idea where that boat went down. Is there that much current on the bottom of the reservoir to move a boat?
6. The two floating lifejackets they found were near the shore line directly east of the marina near the north shortcut into the narrows. How did they end up there????? The wind was blowing from south to north as it often times does. If the two that are missing let go of the lifejackets they would blow in the direction of the wind which is the direction the two survivors swam. If the wind was strong enough to cause 3 foot waves as reported it would scoot those jackets across that lake in a hurry. Probably reaching shore near the shore...before the two survivors even were able to swim there.
So as you can see, I have many questions. I am not doing this to stir the pot. Just wondering what others think. In my mind there are a lot of questions. I hope nothing "fishy" is going on. Hopefully tomorrow they will find the Roundys and I will quit my CSI investigation. [/size]