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And got out the bow and arrows.... Went bow hunting last week and shot a spike. Was only high in the tree for an hour and a half and came along that spike. For the first time I got one with the bow, all that time trying and never let one arrow off the bow.
Boy when I release the arrow on it's way my legs got shaking! It was a whole different feeling towards that....shot. It was half late in the afternoon and I had to wait until it dies. Then it was at sundown and way late and I forgot my head flashlight as my buddy forgot his too at the truck. A long ways to walk for it so I had to gut the deer but I found the knife that I was using broke it locking pin. I had to be extra careful doing the cuttings in the dark.
By then it was pretty dark to see where we are.... Had to drag the deer (both of us) all the way to the truck but we didn't do it all in one shot. We had to stop a number of times to catch our breaths and boy I did put out a good sweat doing that! I was done with gutting the deer at 5:15pm and got to the truck ten minutes to seven PM.
Buddy wanted to stop for dinner before going home as we were out there all day and worked ourselves out. I thought about it on me being the only guy with bloody hands and thought about all those people in the restaurant thinking of me being some kind of guy on a ........ But I found the john on the hunting ground that had a special hand wash that didn't need paper towels and washed myself off...not to good although as it was dark to see anything.... Boy we were worn out!
After dinner then long drive home (I got myself pretty clean and didn't show that much blood on me). Buddy helped me load the deer onto my son's truck as he had an open bed. Too tired to do any more until the next day, it was a cold night good for leaving it all night.
Next day I got up early and called my buddy and his wife said he was still sleeping and got him up at nine. He said was kinda sore from all that pulling last night! Got him over to help out butchering the deer. His first time to see how I did it and he did good. I gave him some of the deer and he would give me some when he gets one. I still have one more tag to fill....
I have been hunting with guns and got a few with it but this shot was kinda special and I wonder why my legs were shaking.....

Messages In This Thread
Tubes stored now, - by Bluegillman - 11-24-2006, 05:16 AM
Re: [Bluegillman] Tubes stored now, - by TubeDude - 11-25-2006, 01:17 PM

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