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Alka Seltzer
Hello guys!

On the Utah board, something interesting about donuts came up. Someone said they put bits of Alka Seltzer INTO their tube. The fizzing sounds like a struggling crawfish. Hmmm.

How does that actually work? What does the Alka Seltzer react with inside the tube? Anybody have experience one way or the other with this technique?

Thanks, Senkonate

Tube Dude- My wife is going to be out of town most of May. I'm thinking of using the time to make a fishing trip to exotic places. Is Arizona, and the coastal waters good in early or late May? Could we hook up? Nate

Messages In This Thread
Alka Seltzer - by senkonate - 02-21-2003, 08:12 PM
Re: [senkonate] Alka Seltzer - by TubeDude - 02-21-2003, 11:39 PM

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