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Locals get authority to enforce access site rules
Here is the letter I sent to her.

[font "Times New Roman"]I have been looking at this issue randomly over the last 6 months. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]I don’t believe this is really a fair, at least not for me. I have been suffering from the denial of the use of property rights I bought in to.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]I live on lake in commerce twp.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]When I purchased my property I had a lake access at the end of my road. I live less than a hundred yards from the lake on my road. I had both swimming and boat launching and docking area. My anchor is still there where I used to keep my boat and where my grandfather kept his boat since the early 1950’s when he first bought the property.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]The access I speak of is actually the street of whippoorwill way of which runs down to the lake and turns right and goes north for 300 feet.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]Due to illegal land seizures by privet individuals I have lost my rights to access the lake at the end of my road. If that isn’t bad enough, I have to watch boats bigger than my house run up and down my road spring summer and fall to launch and leave. Where I am not allowed to use the launch a subdivision that is located on the opposite side of the swamp dose at their own will. The subdivision was newly built in the last decade. I have lived here since 1977.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]In the last 8 years I have become disabled due to a car accident, I have to use a computer program now to check for grammar and spelling. [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]This leaves me living at a poverty level; my boat is nothing more than a 12-foot rowboat with oars. My needs for access are minimal. I go fishing for food and my only escape from being a shut in. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Where I don’t believe this is a fair is that I like many other property owners who bought property because we had access to a lake are now and will be further denied access to lakes to which we were supposed to have legal rights.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]You said that you were in this for the better of the community, betterment for the people who live and worked to make this a better home for our children to come, you said you were in this for the poor and diSadvantaged. I am asking that this bill in its language not be passed. It further restricts me from my property rights as it doses others. [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]I know that many of the complaints from the launch at Cedar Island Lake is one that is neighbor against neighbor as the issue here on my lake of commerce. Those who have legal rights will have to suffer for the rich and overly privileged for their not wanting to see me on my lake or the people who live on Cedar Island Lake.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]We already have Oakland county sheriffs department regulating the waterways with watercraft. There is not a public launch on my lake yet every year they find access to check for licenses and run registrations. I have to ask my self what new legal powers dose local police need that they don’t already have? [/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]The come on to my lake and have run my neighbors off the lake because they say we don’t have access.[/font]
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[font "Times New Roman"]I have been trying to unload my property for this now ever since the land seizures on my street began. (Around 10 years now) Because the boat launch at the end of my street I cannot unload it for half the property value. I am but one property owner on one lake. What do you think will happen when people all over the state who have property rights to a lake and find that they have to pay taxes for having lake rights but not allowed to use them.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]The problem they cry about is the number of high-powered motor craft on the lake is a valid argument, but that is a law that needs to be regulated by applying a motor size verses lake acreage law.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]I have seen and had to deal with boats on my lake with boats traveling 65-85 miles an hour. There is no need for that, all that dose is stir up the bottom of the lake, and creates swells large enough that at times I could not see land on either side of my boat.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]For now I pray for ice, for that is the only time I get to access my lake. The last time I got to use the lake I pay taxes on was December 14th of 2005. it had ice for a day then melted and I never was able to get back on it again.[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]If you read this, thank you.[/font]
If you take to heart what I wrote, then gods bless. For I know you wont pass this bill in its current language.

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Re: [lonehunter] Locals get authority to enforce access site rules - by davetclown - 12-15-2006, 09:50 AM

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