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Locals get authority to enforce access site rules

I know my letter will make me unpopular with the boyz with the toyz, but there comes a time when we half to be hontest with our selves. why on earth do we need 200 horse power on a lake that is only 500 acres? a 15 horse will get my boat across the lake in under 7 minuts. If I have to depend on catching a bass at one minut to close time of the tourny then I am not as good an angler as I bosted to be. Sides of which I can fish at the dock for the last 10 minuts if I realy need to...

I am sure some of the bass club guys would disagree with me. but them boats are as dangerous to the envoronment as carp destroying beds, structure and shore line with their wake and swells.

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Re: [lonehunter] Locals get authority to enforce access site rules - by davetclown - 12-17-2006, 01:08 AM

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