01-03-2007, 01:17 PM
a couple of years ago i went to the lake, there was a whole line up of people fishing, i elbowed my way in between them and started to fish, caught one on first cast, looked around and saw a bucket sitting there, threw the bass in the bucket, after about the 10 th fish they started to talk to me,i asked them what they did with all the fish, this is what they told me, we take them home , clean them and then pass them out to the _old people_ then the nursing homes _ THEN SOME FOR THEM SELVES , right then i changed my mind about the people fishing, however when an illeagle eye or LMB is taken home , i dont go for that as for the white bass i say go for it, IF THEY WERE TELLING THE TRUTH i have no trouble with that. it looks like to me that the water level has more impact on the white bass then the fishing, look at the size of the fish this year, they will only grow to the food level,less fish, more food, bigger fish, of course i dont know any thing as i am just an old dumb guy that likes to fish and have observed a lot of things in my 71 years of fishing , i should say 66 years as i didnt start until i was 5, so take it for what it is worth, dont complain just fish and good luck