01-03-2007, 08:25 PM
Tubedude, you are looking at this issue from a very schewed vantage point...try looking at the bigger picture...
"Urban growth, land use practices, and municipal and industrial discharge have impaired water quality and severely damaged the June sucker's only indigenous habitat. The recovery of the June sucker and the revitalization of Utah Lake go hand-in-hand.
A healthy habitat for the fish benefits the entire ecosystem of the lake and the people who live around it. Habitat improvement and nonnative fish control is important so that the lake and its rivers can once again support a balanced fish community. Water supplies also need to be managed to meet the needs of the fish and other species without interrupting water service to human residents.
By working to balance the needs of the ecosystem with those of the human population, the people along the Wasatch Front will discover the value of being both residents, as well as guardians of their communities.
A healthy ecosystem contributes to the greater good of all creatures that depend on it, including humans."
The recovery program will improve "the health of the lake and the species that depend on it. Recovering the June sucker will enhance stream flows, improve water quality, restore river and lake habitats, and reduce the impact of nonnative fish."
"Urban growth, land use practices, and municipal and industrial discharge have impaired water quality and severely damaged the June sucker's only indigenous habitat. The recovery of the June sucker and the revitalization of Utah Lake go hand-in-hand.
A healthy habitat for the fish benefits the entire ecosystem of the lake and the people who live around it. Habitat improvement and nonnative fish control is important so that the lake and its rivers can once again support a balanced fish community. Water supplies also need to be managed to meet the needs of the fish and other species without interrupting water service to human residents.
By working to balance the needs of the ecosystem with those of the human population, the people along the Wasatch Front will discover the value of being both residents, as well as guardians of their communities.
A healthy ecosystem contributes to the greater good of all creatures that depend on it, including humans."
The recovery program will improve "the health of the lake and the species that depend on it. Recovering the June sucker will enhance stream flows, improve water quality, restore river and lake habitats, and reduce the impact of nonnative fish."