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Anyone lucky enough to draw?
I put in for 8 hunts ($40.00) and drew out on none. We (Brother, friend and I) went during lunch one day last week as we had free entrance passes and I felt like a bum amongst all those high rollers.
I'll just keep putting in each year for the premium hunts via the DWR. Eventually one day I might draw out on a couple of them. Nothing chaps me more than being out hunting in my "spike only" area, and running across some dude that has a new truck, a new rifle, new everything and just shot a trophy bull becuase he "bought" the hunt. I've been putting in for that hunt for 12 years now. Not saying anything bad about the wealthy...I wish I were! But sometimes people should just have to wait in line like everyone else.
Ok, I'll step down off my soap box now...
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone lucky enough to draw? - by Theekillerbee - 01-23-2007, 03:28 AM
Re: [Theekillerbee] Anyone lucky enough to draw? - by N.E.T.O. - 01-25-2007, 11:09 PM

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