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ice be gone ...and mac report
Sorry about that Ash, let me start over. Great report, your the man, no one but you could catch that many big fish in on day. Most of us would be lucky to catch a ten pound mack at the Gorge much less 6 that were 16 to 23 pounds in just four hours. How was that[Wink]. I just haven't heard any reports about anyone fishing Lucern but thought if anyone had heard of any good reports you would have heard them. After your report about Lucern being a dead sea we went over to Swim beach today and spent the day with the rest of the boys.

Messages In This Thread
ice be gone ...and mac report - by fishley - 02-16-2007, 03:19 PM
Re: [fishley] ice be gone ...and mac report - by wiperhunter2 - 02-18-2007, 05:43 AM

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