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Wiper Fishing .... What's All The Fuss?
Ha ha ha ha Clif, wipers are the most awesomest fighting freshwater fish known to man! Put it this way a 4 pound wiper will feel like a 7 or 8 pound fighter, then if you caught a 7 pound wiper, it would feel like you got a fighting 12 pounder!

They are a hybrid of stripers and white bass, but meaner and nasty! They will make a real bulletline for your lure, and your line will snap before you can say "gesundheit".

When fishing with 4 to 8 pound line, you gotta set your drag to allow it to take off, and then tighten your drag just a little after it "tires"... but beleive me, wipers doesn't tire at all!

I make my line supermono, and you won't snap em, but I get a big kick and a hoot when I feel and hear my drag screaming its butt off!! Wiper on!!!! If you lose a wiper and a lure, then you've just been wiped out! Ha ha!

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Re: [Xman] Wiper Fishing .... What's All The Fuss? - by WalleyePaul - 03-03-2003, 05:45 AM

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