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Trout in Lakes
From shore, float Powerbait or worm/marshmallow combination anywhere from 1-4 feet above a slip sinker depending on the growth on the bottom. I try to stay about 6-12" above. For steeper drops where I know the fish are holding 10' or up, I sink a worm 6-7' below a float.

From a float tube, tube jigs or a wolley bugger towed 4-5' behind a bobber. This is of course if you don't fly fish. I don't know enough about fly fishing to give recommendations there.

From a boat, any of the above and add trolling. Flat line (no weight) if the fish are up high with a rainbow Crocodile spoon. 1-2oz. of weight and a small set of pop gear (16-20" Doc Martin usually) followed by the old and trusted red/chrome triple teaser if the fish are 10-20' down. Dipsy Divers/Pink Lady's/Downriggers and larger gear if the fish are deeper than that.

If you are talking about big fish (Lake Trout or similar) or big lakes, the techniques would change accordingly.

Where and what kind of trout are you going after?

Messages In This Thread
Trout in Lakes - by basstracker29 - 03-04-2003, 10:09 PM
Re: [basstracker29] Trout in Lakes - by Curtisfish - 03-05-2003, 06:10 PM
Re: [basstracker29] Trout in Lakes - by JapanRon - 03-13-2003, 05:35 PM
Re: [basstracker29] Trout in Lakes - by theangler - 03-19-2003, 09:30 PM

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