03-09-2007, 02:08 PM
hey 3-M i'm not ready for the ice to go ether.[unimpressed] but wather we are or not spring is on the way.. it will not be to much longer i'm sure.
I got to go back to work sunday. ok well i travle sunday to work monday.. the cool thing is this time i only have to go to Kemmer Wo.. then after that IPP Delta plant is comeing down.. so sounds like i'll be close to home for a little while at lest..
T.K.B's: my slead took a crap on me up at FG and i have not got it fixed yet so we walked in.. good thing to there is a top layer of crusty snow on top of about 4" of slush.. yesterday it was not a problem for us.. but if a sled went through that slush it would be hard to get it off that lake.. lol been there done that.. lol
I got to go back to work sunday. ok well i travle sunday to work monday.. the cool thing is this time i only have to go to Kemmer Wo.. then after that IPP Delta plant is comeing down.. so sounds like i'll be close to home for a little while at lest..
T.K.B's: my slead took a crap on me up at FG and i have not got it fixed yet so we walked in.. good thing to there is a top layer of crusty snow on top of about 4" of slush.. yesterday it was not a problem for us.. but if a sled went through that slush it would be hard to get it off that lake.. lol been there done that.. lol