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Mead in March!!!
Hey Jay,

That sounds like fun. Hands down...your best fishing (from shore) will be at night. Please review some of my past posts, which will give you all the details on how to rig your line. Anchovies are definitely the best for shore fishing. The problem, however, is that if you are going to camp without a freezer, your anchovies won't last long. Here's the trick though...even though they may thaw in your ice box, use them to chum and then rub them on any small lures you may have. This should get you good action. Selecting the right cove is also important. If you're going to be shore fishing, make sure you cast all over the place until you find a drop off point. Fishing these drops will definitely increase your chances of catching stripers. Good luck.

Best regards,


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Mead in March!!! - by Mead_Stripers - 02-17-2007, 05:32 PM

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