03-24-2007, 02:19 AM
i went out to the holey lands out here .... and i had a white and red spinner bait with a long gold spinner and a smaller silver spinner 2 start with lost that due to a snag... then i caught it and i got it back from the depths of the canal lol (yes i lost thelure at the bottom of the canal and i casted a second spinner bait (red and black 2 silver spinners) and it hooked into the first one and i brought them both back in........ it was a first for me... ANYWAYS i went down a ways and no luck.... BUT me and my girlfriend were bored and we just started relaxin and i was talking with her while she tanned... then i decided enough of no fishin ima try it again casted out the black and red spinner a few times at diffrent spots in the channel.... and then i casted it out in a patch of brush and no sooner than the bell was fliped did i get a hit of my first catch
and then after i let him go i got a similar cast but the bait got snagged and popped off.... so i tied on the chatter bait...................................... FIRST CAST it gets caught up in the lilly pads and i lose the lure...... not even a hit on it and its gone ..... mad me say a few bad words but its ok...... later on i was tryin to teach my girlfriend how to cast out with an open faced reel and i was just dipping my plastic worm in and outta the water and letting it drop to the bottom to show her how to open and close.... next thing i know im gettin a bite.... thats when i caught this guy [center]
but i told you guys i'd let yall know how it worked out and well it didnt lol lost it first shot
and then after i let him go i got a similar cast but the bait got snagged and popped off.... so i tied on the chatter bait...................................... FIRST CAST it gets caught up in the lilly pads and i lose the lure...... not even a hit on it and its gone ..... mad me say a few bad words but its ok...... later on i was tryin to teach my girlfriend how to cast out with an open faced reel and i was just dipping my plastic worm in and outta the water and letting it drop to the bottom to show her how to open and close.... next thing i know im gettin a bite.... thats when i caught this guy [center]
but i told you guys i'd let yall know how it worked out and well it didnt lol lost it first shot