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I LOVE! to fish.. but I totally suck. :(
cumberland lake.

big cats big bass big every thing... stripers too

ya know what else sucks? carp, white horse, red horse, sturgeon, ect....

crawlers are good, you need to cast away from those bait stealers, if you have to get up and move on down the shore, at least you wont be bothered with having to rebait your hook every five minutes...

cut shiners or live shiners hooked by the tail and weighted down with a good sinker and two foot leader is good for cats too...

crank baits or plugs are fun for bass and stripers.

when out with friends in the summer, grass hoppers are a riot on a number 6 eagle claw hook. just watch out for snakes.

when on a river look for bends and cast in to holes. best time on lakes are the first few hours of day light and the last couple three hours of day light. over cast days are good for bass casting.

dont over look hand dug earth worms...

best time to fish on the river, any time of the day, I like mid days under a shade tree so I dont have to do so much while fishing. be sure if you are going to take a nap you put a bell on your rod and you have a good rod holder in the ground. dont just set it agains a branch or rap the line around your finger, a good size bass can cut your finger off with the line... even a good size gill can run off with your rod. a big carp or cat will just slurp your rod in to the drink with out worning if you dont have it set up right...

so if you are looking for cats look at rivers, there are cats in the lake, but usualy they are down deap unless you are fishing a shallow lake, and still look deap or near lilly pads in the evening or at the drop off point of the lake where a small river dumps in to the lake and drop your bait deap...

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Re: [natizzle] I LOVE! to fish.. but I totally suck. :( - by davetclown - 03-28-2007, 04:34 AM

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