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death and what 2 do with carcass
My aunt and I have an agreement in place that if the other one dies the living one will make sure the other is cremated and not put into a carbon sink that is a cemetary. We know it will be a tough road to hoe if one of us goes before my grandmother (she's pretty traditional). I say plant a tree (maybe even put up a little plaque) and bury the ashes when you plant it.
I would almost be OK with a cemetary if it was done in a wood box that would deteriorate over a hundred years or so, but the concrete vault and steel caskets keep the life renewing carbon in your body from ever returning to the circle of life.
Although the spread my ashes on the back of a tagged bill fish was a pretty good idea.

Messages In This Thread
death and what 2 do with carcass - by CROSSINEYES - 03-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Re: [RILEYFISH] death and what 2 do with carcass - by fairwayphilly - 03-30-2007, 01:53 PM

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